Not a single person has done without bread. Gone are the days when one bakery provided fresh products to the whole city. Now, private bakeries are becoming increasingly popular, making bread production unique and unlike the rest. This is the perfect business! The demand for bakery products never falls. All that is needed is a competent and detailed business plan, investments, formulation development and the search for “your” customers.
Business investment
[caption id = "attachment_4623" align = "alignright" width = "300"] Own business: bread production [/ caption]
Firstly, paperwork. That is, for starters, it is necessary to register their activities - whether it will be an IP, or an emergency, or even an LLC - is a private matter for everyone. But, for large-scale production, registration as an LLC will be better. Documentation prices are different in all regions. Approximately it costs 10-25 thousand rubles. Not to mention the fact that many instances should allow your activity (and here, as you know, you can’t do without investments, they depend on the appetites checking).
Secondly, the room. The production of bread requires a large area, because in addition to the workshop where baking will be carried out directly, there is also a need for workshops where the dough will be kneaded, finished products are stored before sale, as well as warehouses. On average, about 70-120 squares of the total area.
In addition, you should consider in advance where your bakery will be located. If you plan to sell bread directly from it, then it should be in a place where people have high traffic.
On average, a room (rent, purchase, repair) is about 200-400 thousand rubles. In different regions, this figure can fluctuate both smaller and larger.
Thirdly, equipment for the production of bread. There are possible options: either buy a new factory, or use a used one. The first option is more expensive, but more reliable. The second is less expensive. However, there is no guarantee that the equipment will not “stand up” during operation, thereby disrupting all work and ruining the raw materials. For new equipment will have to pay about 50 thousand dollars. Used will cost much cheaper. The equipment includes:
- flour sifting machine (huge sieve),
[caption id = "attachment_4622" align = "alignright" width = "300"]
equipment for the production of bread [/ caption]
- dough kneading machine (looks like a huge mixer with a bowl),
- dough separation machine,
- the machine that distributes the dough into forms,
- a cupboard where the dough will be infused,
- bake.
This is the most basic list of equipment that will allow you to bake bread in volumes of 500-700 kg per day. Also include equipment:
- shelves where bread will be stored until sale,
- racks where raw materials will be stored,
- packaging machine
- Libra,
- knives, forms and other small equipment.
Fourth, it is worth spending money on raw materials in advance. Each bread production technology implies its own recipe, and therefore, its own raw materials, which will be part of the composition. It is important that at the stage of developing a business project, you think about what type of bread you will be making. An ideal option would be a combination in the production of both traditional and universally demanded species, and bread in its own unique recipe (it can be developed independently or with the help of specially hired technologists). General in technology: processing of raw materials, kneading and melting of dough, baking. Suppliers of the source material (raw materials) must be selected very carefully, even meticulously - all products must be fresh, have a real shelf life, and most importantly - delivered on time.Indeed, if the supply of raw materials (of the same flour) is delayed, then there will be nothing for you to bake from, but, therefore, production will be idle.
Even if your idea is a mini-bakery, you won’t be able to avoid extensive investments. The only difference between a small workshop and a large one is the volume of finished products. But it turned out that small bakeries are more profitable in the conditions of fierce competition. This is ensured due to the fact that their niche is unique - the production of such products that no one has. Unique recipe works better and more productive than large volumes.
Revenues, profitability, payback
Having launched production into operation, do not wait for instant enrichment. The buyer is quite moody. Although, if your products can be of interest (again due to originality), then you can conquer the market quite quickly. In order for production and investments to pay for themselves, you will have to wait about 2-3 years. By the way, it is very important to establish the right price for finished products. Only a thorough study of the market for supply and demand, products of competitors can help here. Bread production can bring a stable income only when you take into account all the wishes of customers, while not working for yourself in the negative.
Profitability of the project reaches 10-15%, but only with stable demand, production and gradual expansion of the range. Buyer interest should always be maintained. In addition, it is worth considering monthly expenses: salaries to employees, payment of bills, purchase of raw materials, transportation of products. Net profit can be obtained about 100-150 thousand rubles a month. This is only at the initial stage. When you conquer the market, grow in constant demand, replenish the assortment, this figure can be increased.
Pros and Cons of a Business
The obvious minus is a large investment, a long payback. But if your project is a mini-bakery, then investments are a smaller amount, and the return on investment is growing. This is especially true in areas where, apart from the local bakery, there is nothing. Here, the profitability of production can be many times greater.
The advantage of production is that business is always in demand. Finished products diverge like hot cakes in the literal and figurative sense. Big investments always pay off with good dividends. In addition, such a business provides stability. Like it or not, bread will always be sold. And if you have managed to firmly establish yourself in any niche, then you can safely count on constancy and profit. Another plus - the business is not seasonal! It is relevant and popular all year round. Production is conducted both on holidays and on weekends. At the same time, holidays are the most "bread". Demand for products is growing exponentially.
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