Certification of ventilation systems is a necessary measure before putting them into operation. It is carried out in accordance with current standards, and according to the results of all procedures, a new data sheet is issued. This document may be requested by the relevant authorities during scheduled inspections. So certification is an absolute must for owners of all business objects.
What is a passport for a ventilation system
A passport and an act of control are not the same thing. The latter prescribes the characteristics of the system and confirms their compliance with the declared data at the time of control. The passport also indicates the operational characteristics of ventilation and the features of its operation, performance indicators and other criteria. If there are special requirements for certification, measures to repair and modernize the system may also be included in the document.
For natural ventilation, a passport is not required. However, if in the course of production activities the relevant services request this particular document, it still needs to be drawn up in the prescribed manner. True, in a simplified form compared to traditional systems.
Passport registration is also not required for a ventilation system without a network. However, subsequently it will be necessary to enter information on all repairs and improvements in the technical documentation.
After the certification of the ventilation system is completed and the relevant document is issued, its validity is considered unlimited. If the passport is lost, it can be reissued. This measure is also required when changing the ventilation duct or significant modernization of the entire system.
KOSGU considers the certification of the ventilation system to be the services of subclause 225 ("Property Maintenance Services").
What is included in the documentation?
The passport for the ventilation system is issued in strict accordance with SNiP. In it you will find:
- Data on air exchange, issued in the form of a detailed table. There are several of these tables so that with each new check it is possible to enter updated data.
- System performance
- Information about tightness.
- The noise level produced by ventilation during operation.
- Data on the composition and quality of air in the enterprise, according to the results of various tests, and other data.
In a word, a passport is a detailed and multi-page document. During the operation of the system, it is gradually updated with new data. There are eight main pages in the passport, and information on repairs and improvements made are not key.
The results of the tests are stored in electronic form. Thus, during repeated repairs it will be convenient to make appropriate changes to the documentation and make extracts from it.
Is it worth saving?
Sometimes the owners of the facilities on which the ventilation systems are installed tend to doubtful savings. They attract non-professional masters to work and avoid the preparation of certified documentation. Thus, of course, you can significantly save on the certification of the ventilation system, but is it worth it?
In most cases, such savings are not good. Especially if you are the owner of an object that brings a steady income. It is impossible to ignore certification either completely or partially. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems.
What threatens to ignore the passport?
Incorrect or untimely certification of ventilation systems can lead to difficulties not only in operation, but also in subsequent inspections. Any malfunction in the work will bring trouble to both the owner of the institution and its visitors due to the penetration of unpleasant odors from the kitchen.
Without certification of ventilation systems, the facility cannot obtain permission to commission. This is one of the key requirements, the non-observance of which may lead to administrative liability and serious fines.
With repeated installation work, you can’t do without a passport either. And if you do not have it, according to the law and the requirements of the established norms, you will have to reinstall the ventilation, at the same time overpaying for your own oversight.
In a word, if you are a responsible owner of the enterprise, it is in your interests to establish good and documented ventilation in accordance with all the rules. Not ignoring the certification, but insisting on its implementation.
Which authorities should I contact?
Certification of ventilation systems is carried out by one of the following organizations:
- Private office. The most affordable, and therefore the most common way. However, there is a great risk of colliding with non-professionals, and, therefore, getting a low quality of work. The passport may be filled out with errors, it may not contain all the data, which means that the whole procedure will go down the drain.
- Installation organization. Specialists who install ventilation systems often issue passports for them. However, it is important to know that qualified work can be guaranteed not by a simple installation specialist, but only by the chief engineer.
- Specialized laboratory. It is possible, in principle, to obtain a passport at such a test center: their technical base is equipped with everything necessary for certification. However, professional engineers are not always on the staff, so here there is a risk of encountering an incorrect interpretation of the indicators.
- Organization for certification and diagnostics. Real professionals work here, as the enterprise itself is highly specialized. If you need high-quality work, this is where you should contact. Here you can get answers to all your questions, for example, about what certification of a ventilation system is and how often it should be carried out. And also how it will help further promote your business.
Certification of ventilation systems: scope of work
During installation and commissioning of the system at the first stage, its effectiveness is checked. Based on the results of this check, the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire commission draw up a report on the suitability or unsuitability of the building in accordance with the requirements of the ventilation system.
The relevant passports are issued and verification acts are drawn up, which are then transferred to the owner. The ventilation passport is filled in two copies: the first remains with the organization that carried out the system setup, the second is issued to the customer. After the document is received, it is transferred to the bodies of sanitary and epidemiological control. It is the passport that serves as the main documentary confirmation of the quality of the ventilation system and is issued separately for each system.
How often do passports need to be carried out?
Mandatory compliance with sanitary and hygienic and technological standards - this is the main requirement for certification of ventilation systems. The frequency of SNiP sets at a single level for all. However, this period may vary depending on various factors.
The frequency of certification of ventilation systems, as a rule, is five years. It is after this period that repeated measures are taken to check the health of the system. If the passport has been lost or the owner has changed, this is an urgent reason to passportize again.
How much does a passport for a ventilation system cost?
Clearly answer this question is unlikely to succeed. Certification of a ventilation system is a purely individual process for the owner of each enterprise. But in determining value, there are rules that are common to all.
Initially, an estimate for the work is prepared and agreed with the customer. By the way, if certification is repeated in the same organization, you can count on a discount. If the authority changes, the sample of the passport and the price of the work can change, moreover, significantly.
The price is affected by the size of the facility in which the systems are installed, the branching of the ventilation network, the amount of equipment and other factors. In case of high cost, payment can be made in stages.
Features of certification
As the certification of ventilation systems is carried out, a specific specialist is responsible for each stage. He is responsible for the serviceability and correct operation of all equipment. It can be either one mechanic or an entire contractor organization.
Marks on repairs carried out are affixed to the passport. Also an integral part of the official documentation is the test reports. If you use the same ventilation system for many years, it will be enough to store at least the last five protocols.
To extend the life of the ventilation system, attention must be paid to its scheduled maintenance. It is better if work in this direction will be carried out by competent highly specialized specialists.
If the enterprise has several ventilation systems, a passport is issued for each of them. But if they are networked, only one passport for the entire system is enough.