If you ask passers-by on the street what “an asocial lifestyle” means, the answers will probably mention alcoholism, drug addiction, begging, homeless people, etc. What causes this phenomenon? How can you deal with it?
Asocial lifestyle
A large part of society does about the same thing every day: someone goes to work, someone goes to school or college, some stay at home and housekeeping. In short, everyone fulfills his role, one way or another useful to the rest. However, there are people who act contrary to generally accepted norms and morality. Asocial lifestyle is usually understood as destructive, when a person not only separates himself from society, but also opposes himself to him, while behaving accordingly. This is a narrow understanding of the term.
In fact, people leading an asocial lifestyle do not always belong to disadvantaged sections of society: drug addicts, alcoholics, homeless people, beggars, people without specific occupations, etc. In the classical sense, they just as much as possible avoid normal interactions with other people or simply incapable of it. In this case, this category can include, for example, introverts or people suffering from mental illness.
Is it always bad?
If we talk about the classical scientific understanding of this term, asociality is not a vice. Moreover, in some conditions it is even a blessing. It is enough to recall the monks and hermits who voluntarily refuse active interaction with the rest of society. In some religions, an asocial way of life testifies to a person’s spiritual enlightenment, a departure from the secular, as a result of which he acquires a completely different attitude, and sometimes a certain gift. Something similar is practiced today in some movements of Christianity, Buddhism, etc. But a similar example is rather an exception and has nothing to do with what an asocial way of life outside of any religious practices means.
It is quite difficult to imagine that several thousand respectable citizens would suddenly begin to lead an asocial lifestyle. Nevertheless, it can be assumed what consequences this will have. Some of them will be noticeable only in the distant future, and some will be noticeable almost immediately. It is worth listing at least a few.
- Decrease in the general level of health, strengthening of the epidemiological danger. Besides the fact that tobacco, alcohol and drugs affect the human body in a destructive way, some people will probably stop carefully treating personal hygiene, which will affect the reproduction and spread of dangerous bacteria. Irregular sexual relations contribute to the infection of sexually transmitted diseases, and also increase the risk of an unplanned pregnancy. Such a situation often leads either to abortion or to the abandonment of the baby immediately after birth.
- The appearance on the street of more homeless and unemployed people will increase criminality. The level of crimes will increase significantly, including extremely dangerous ones, such as murders and rape.
- As a result of the decrease in the number of respectable law-abiding citizens, tax revenues will decrease, the share of the shadow economy will increase, which will sooner or later undermine the foundations of the state.
Children are the future of the world, first of all, because with the right upbringing of one or two generations, significant shifts in society in any direction can be achieved.Having instilled the wrong values, you can later encounter a very unpleasant result. That is why effective measures to prevent asocial lifestyle among young people are so important, especially when it comes to so-called dysfunctional families. Anti-advertising of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, a hectic life, conversations with psychologists, help centers, helplines of trust, offering an affordable alternative in the form of sports. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to remove children from this environment, that is, to separate them from their families in order to instill in them other values that meet generally accepted moral standards. In less advanced cases, patronage and regular checks are sufficient. However, such measures are not very popular and can cause rejection. Also, such power can serve as a basis for abuse. But sometimes it is simply necessary.