Summer is truly an amazing time of the year. And the matter is not only in a positive atmosphere, bright sunny days, hot weather and the opportunity to purchase a chocolate tan. In the summer you can very successfully start your own business. In this case, we are talking about minimal financial investments. What is summer associated with for most people?
Of course, with cool ice cream - a treat that adults and small children simply adore. And on hot days, this refreshing dessert breaks all records in terms of sales. So why not take this wonderful opportunity and start selling soft ice cream?
Main tasks
Where to start? Any kind of business requires careful preparation and a preliminary analysis of profitability. Before you start buying expensive equipment and ingredients, you need to determine for yourself what amount of cash investment we have, what percentage of income we can ultimately get from it. Relate the estimated costs and profits.
If in the end you still get a “plus”, then in this case the business should be realized. But do not set yourself sky-high goals. Income must be real. To do this, do a simple study. Calculate how many servings an average ice cream machine can make per day, and how much it can actually sell. Do not forget to foresee such force majeure circumstances as accidental equipment failure or very bad weather for a sufficiently long time.
In the latter case, people are unlikely to continue to walk along the street and buy a cold treat. If you still decide that the ice cream business is a profitable option, then in this case you need to decide on the set of ingredients, specific equipment models, as well as the location of the point of sale.
Choose a place
Before proceeding with the purchase of ingredients and the necessary equipment, everything must be carefully planned in the business. In the case of the sale of ice cream, an especially important point is the successful choice of a place of trade. As shows practice, such a business is considered quite profitable.
But do not forget that the ice cream business will only generate income if you manage to sell at least a couple of hundred servings of goodies in one working day. And the volume of sales of products directly depends on the number of people who pass by your outlet.
So you can count on a constant influx of customers, settle down near a park, a zoo or a fairly large shopping center. The option with a supermarket is not suitable, since most consumers prefer to purchase all goods in one place. Consequently, they would rather buy ice cream at a store than at a stand-alone point. In addition, such a neighborhood will clearly not please the owners of the supermarket.
To avoid potential conflict, choose a better place to sell. Be sure to check the intended trading place for the presence of a number of competitors. After all, the idea of opening an ice cream business will certainly not visit you alone. It may well be that in the vicinity of the selected park or shopping center, pieces of 5 outlets will be adjacent.In this case, you will have to develop some attractive promotions and benefits, so that buyers pay attention to your ice cream.
How to sell better
What will be more profitable, trading on the street or opening your own small cafe? In each case, there are positive and negative sides, which must be considered before adoption final decision.
To begin with, your own cafe will require much larger financial investments. After all, you will have to rent a room, buy furniture, acquire quite expensive equipment. In addition, you will probably need to hire at least one seller.
Otherwise, it will be very difficult to keep up with visitors. The business plan of an ice cream parlor is very voluminous and multifaceted. Consider the fact that the sale of such a dessert is seasonal. In the cold season, people tend to keep warm rather than treat themselves to ice cream. And you will have to pay for the rental of premises all year round if you do not want to lose a good place.
Therefore, in order to receive income constantly, in parallel with ice cream, it will be necessary to organize the sale of other products. As you can see, we are not talking about just one type of business. Therefore, if you want to do with less money, then in this case selling ice cream on the street is more suitable. Sales volumes here are not so impressive, and the profit is likely to be less.
But this kind of business is much easier to organize. Yes, and you can quite trade yourself, thereby reducing the cost of wages to employees. Another advantage is the absence of spending on utilities. Indoors, this item of expenditure would be very substantial. Yes, and you do not have to pay a rent in case of termination of trade due to the onset of winter.
We equip a point of sale
To start a business selling cold treats, you must first purchase special equipment. If you decide to independently produce soft ice cream, then you can not do without a set of special equipment.
What is it worth paying attention specifically to? First of all, you will need an apparatus directly for making dessert, as well as a refrigerator for storing it. This is the minimum that an entrepreneur will need in our case.
In addition, do not forget about the outlet itself. It should easily move from one place to another. Be sure to equip the point
sales canopy. As a protection from the rays of the scorching sun, a large umbrella, which can often be found near shopping carts for cooking and selling food on the street, is perfect.
In addition to all of the above, be sure to stock up on plastic gloves, a special ice cream spoon and an apron with arm ruffles. The latter will not only protect your clothes from stains, but will also attract the attention of potential buyers.
Choosing an ice cream machine
To begin with, this technique comes in many sizes. Bulky models have amazing performance. With their help, you can very quickly prepare many servings of excellent ice cream. But this option is not relevant in every case.
If you decide to open an ice cream parlor, then such a device will come in handy. But on the street with him it will be difficult. It is necessary to consider options that are more compact in size.
The device for ice cream can be both domestic and foreign production. In the first case, the cost of equipment is likely to be lower. However, this does not mean that quality will be worse.
Many devices of the Russian assembly boast impressive performance. To make the right choice and not go broke at the same time, carefully analyze all the pros and cons of different installations.
If you do not plan to sell huge batches of dessert every day, then in this case you should limit yourself to a more modest technique. This will save a little.
If you need a machine for baby ice cream, then in this case, pay attention to the appearance of the equipment. The brighter it is, the more likely it is that the kids will ask their parents to buy them a treat for you. Some models can even create dessert in the form of funny animals or various figures.
Ice cream fridge: the finer points of choice
To buy the right equipment of this type and not waste money, focus on the range of products. All kinds of ice cream that you will sell should be placed in the refrigerator. Soft treats are stored in wide trays.
Dessert, which is prepared in waffle cones, must be placed strictly vertically. The ice cream refrigerator must have a lid. If sales will be carried out on the street, but in a special van, you can purchase equipment that is also suitable for a cafe.
What will we cook from
Pay special attention to the ingredients. They must certainly be of high quality. The cost of ice cream for the most part depends on how much you will spend on products. But you can’t save much on them. Otherwise, the taste will suffer significantly. Such ice cream will not be well stored. Buyers will definitely take note of this, and sales will drop sharply.
Ice cream is prepared from special dry mixes that must be diluted with plain water. More expensive ingredients will require the presence of fresh milk. You can also stock up on various additives: syrups, toppings, fruits.
Register your business on ice cream
And now a few words about what you have to do for the competent legal registration of own business. First, collect a specific package of documents and register as an individual entrepreneur. Then, without fail, coordinate the point of sale with the city authorities.
Unauthorized trade Russian law is prohibited. Next, you will have to go through all the checks and get permission from the SES to conduct business in this area. As a result, you will be given a special ice cream seller book. Be sure to open a bank account.
When will we profit?
This type of business pays off quickly enough. If you sell ice cream on the street, then in this case the equipment costs are not so significant compared to the organization of a real store or cafe. In addition, if you guessed right with the choice of place, and sales volumes are consistently high every day, then in this case there is a good chance to recoup all your investments within the first month.