The permitted period of stay of Ukrainians in Russia is 90 days. It does not depend on the purpose of the migrant’s trip or the region in which he plans to stay. At the same time, a foreigner has the right to leave and enter the country an unlimited number of times at his discretion. With departure and entry, the new 90 days of stay do not begin, but the old ones, which last six months, continue.
How does law 90/180 work?
In accordance with the law on the legal status of migrants and the rules of stay of Ukrainians in Russia, a foreigner who has arrived in the country can stay here for no more than 90 days for 180 days.
This means that a foreigner can stay in Russia without any Russian documents, in particular, a patent, RVP or residence permit, for no more than 90 days, and after that he must leave the country for the same period.
Can a migrant stay be tracked?
When a foreigner enters the country through a checkpoint, a customs officer records the date of his entry. When a migrant leaves, regardless of which checkpoint, the date of departure is entered into the database and saved. Information about all departures and entrances is available for employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who regularly check migrants and monitor the effectiveness of the law.
More than one person is involved in migrant control, therefore, violations of the terms of stay in the country are not immediately clarified. If you managed to “deceive the system” and for a long period you “update” the migration card by regularly crossing the state border, do not flatter yourself, violators will be found and punished.
Responsibilities of a foreigner
The rules for the stay of Ukrainians in Russia are as follows:
- fill out a migration card at the customs checkpoint;
- enter the country with a valid passport;
- within 7 days to become a migration account;
- act on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the purpose indicated in the migration card;
- be at the address indicated on the migration card;
- to leave upon expiration of the migration card, if the foreigner has not received a patent, RVP or residence permit.
Like citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukrainians are obliged by default to act in accordance with the law and not violate it, because if any violations are discovered by the Ukrainian, he will be tried on the territory of the Russian Federation and according to its laws.
What is a migration card for?
The main document of a foreigner in Russia, in addition to his passport, is a migration card. It serves as a kind of reminder to a foreigner about the acceptable period of stay in the country.
Migration card is needed for registration of migration registration, patent, RVP and residence permit. In addition, the migration card will also be asked by the migrant and the bank when applying for a bank card. For registration of temporary registration a card is also needed.
Migration card renewal
Among Ukrainian immigrants, the “extension” of the migration card is practiced by regularly crossing the border of Ukraine with Russia and receiving a new migration card. The practice is used to extend their legal stay in the country.
You cannot extend the migration card. Entry-exit does not prolong the period of stay of Ukrainians in Russia, if the permitted terms are exhausted. Obtaining a new card does not allow an alien to begin processing documents and obtaining a new status.
Please note that a migration card is a basic document, in addition to a passport, on the basis of which you will receive a patent, RVP or residence permit.The card itself cannot be the basis for official employment.
How to extend the stay?
The length of stay of Ukrainians in Russia can be prolonged by official means:
- obtaining a patent (with its help you can officially get a job);
- RVP registration (submission of documents to the RVP if there is a quota or one of the possible grounds gives the migrant the right to apply to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for an extension of the stay);
- obtaining a residence permit.
Traditionally, the holders of the RVP and residence permit issue temporary registration for 3 and 5 years. However, if there is no opportunity to get it, migrants regularly update their migration records.
Please note that the submission of documents for a quota for RVP is not a basis for extending the stay. Therefore, when planning the submission of documents, wisely calculate your time.
The extension of the stay of Ukrainians in Russia is carried out by re-registration with the migration register.
Violation of the terms of stay
As mentioned earlier, violations of the terms of stay of Ukrainians in Russia are not immediately detected. Sometimes a foreigner allows himself several years to visit the country without issuing the necessary papers, and the customs service does not prohibit him.
When the information is collected and the duration of the migrant’s stay in the country is verified, he will be prohibited from entering the country for a period of 3 to 10 years without giving reasons, depending on how long the law is violated.
Employees of the department will not inform the migrant of “good news”, therefore he will be able to find out about the ban only during the next check-out or “renewal” or “renewal” of the card.
In the best case, he faces a forced exit from the country for a period of 3 months and a fine of 2 thousand rubles. A mild punishment is possible if the migrant has family members who are citizens of the Russian Federation, and he confessed to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The permitted period of stay of foreigners in the country is 90 days. The Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (in the past FMS) prolongs the stay of Ukrainians in Russia if the migrant has a patent, RVP, residence permit or when applying for a RVP. After 90 days, within six months, the foreigner must leave the country for a similar period.