What are the goals of advertising? It is customary to say that this is the engine of trade. And this is right, because to attract the attention of the buyer - this is the undoubted and main goal of advertising.
Concept of advertising
Advertising is information about objects sold on the market of goods or services, distributed in various ways, aimed at attracting attention to these objects and warming up the interest of potential consumers in them. There are several types of advertising:
- commercial - contributes to the growth of sales, sales, increase turnover;
- private - involves advertising services of private companies and organizations;
- social - a special type of advertising aimed at achieving charitable goals;
- political and other varieties.
The objects of advertising are the results of a wide variety of activities:
- goods of a certain manufacturer;
- various services;
- events (concerts, competitions, sporting events) and so on.
Advertising promotes the presentation and promotion of goods and services in the consumer market, payment for it is made directly by the customer.
Promotion Goals
the main purpose of advertising aims to increase sales of various goods and increase the volume of services provided. Moreover, each advertiser pursues its own goals, namely:
- promotion of your brand;
- increased demand for products;
- increase in sales channels;
- promotion of product recognition;
- the ultimate purpose of promotion - increase in the number of sales.
To come to this all, advertising must be skillfully composed and widely distributed. The goals of advertising should be formulated as specifically as possible. If there is a need, the target group, the region where the materials are placed should be determined and, importantly, it is desirable to indicate the time frame for achieving this goal. However, in addition to providing maximum information, advertising should constantly increase the level of awareness of potential buyers about the new products offered, convince them of the need for a particular purchase, constantly recalling it.
Advertising Objectives
Successful advertising means solving the following tasks:
- provide the consumer with information about a fundamentally new product and its basic qualities;
- inform the consumer about the conditions for the sale of goods;
- to convince the consumer of the advantages of this product over existing analogues;
- strengthen the reputation of your company in the eyes of the consumer and other market participants.
In order for the advertiser to achieve his goals, advertising should also have a reinforcing character, which allows him to constantly warm up the interest of potential consumers in the products of the manufacturer. It can be various additional stands with a company or brand logo. When setting advertising objectives, it is necessary to study the position of the proposed brand among products of the same category. An important point in the question of how the advertising tasks will be solved is the coordinated interaction of the advertiser and the advertising agency. Specialists of this service should be well versed in the characteristics of the subject of advertising, otherwise the goal will not be achieved.
Marketing target advertising
The purpose of marketing is to expand market share, increase sales, thereby increasing the profitability of the enterprise. Advertising is an integral part of marketing activities. Forming the demand for the proposed product, it contributes to the growth of production of this product and the conquest of its own segment in the market:
- with the help of advertising, expanding markets for goods;
- product advertisement generates demand (for example, the buyer can pay attention that a new product is cheaper and better than usual);
- advertising should not only attract, but also win the buyer.
Advertising is an important marketing tool, as it is aimed at influencing consumer behavior.
Advertising Methods
Advertising quite diverse, many tools are used for this:
- radio and television;
- outdoor - banners and billboards;
- periodicals;
- means of transport;
- postal items and much more.
It must be remembered that advertising should be vibrant, as informative as possible and necessarily attractive. The campaign should be built in such a way that the proposed brand for consumers becomes recognizable, the product arouses admiration, a predisposition to purchase. Advertising should be able to influence the buyer so that when buying, he chooses exactly the promoted product.
Product advertising
In product advertising, the object is a product or service. Product Advertising may the following:
- promote it to the market;
- inform about its properties;
- to form a relationship with the product;
- make the product recognizable in the market;
- to inform consumers about discounts and various promotions;
- draw the attention of customers to company stores and specialized departments;
- interest wholesalers.
Product advertising can also solve a deeper problem - to strengthen the seller’s conviction that their product is the best.
The concept of image advertising
This kind of advertising forms an attitude to the object of marketing, increases its prestige. The purpose of image advertising is not only the sale of goods or services. It is much more important for her to acquaint the buyer not only with the products offered, but also with the company that produces them. Image advertising is designed to create a positive image of the organization, especially if it is going through hard times. This kind of advertising can also be used by start-up companies, which are important to initially create a positive image for themselves. As a rule, the following types of advertising have a positive effect on the image of the subject:
- television news spots;
- outdoor advertising;
- information in the most widely read newspapers and magazines.
Economic goals of advertising
An important factor in advertising is its economic component. The economic objectives of advertising, for example, one individual company, suggest the following points:
- the formation of the population’s sense of need for the goods or services of this particular company;
- attracting potential buyers to visit company stores or special exhibitions in order to familiarize themselves with the goods offered;
- conducting sales, reducing prices, providing benefits to regular customers;
- periodic updating of the product packaging with the company name and its logo visible in a conspicuous place.
If the product is really high-quality, it pleased the buyer and is in demand, then the company can achieve such serious economic indicators as:
- expansion of markets for the products offered;
- increase in turnover;
- profit growth of the enterprise and the possibility of its further development.
Having estimated the ratio of the money spent on advertising and the profit gained as a result of advertising, we will learn the cost-effectiveness of the campaign. High economic efficiency suggests that the advertisement was competent, thoughtful and timely (for example, promoting beautiful stylish winter outerwear on the eve of winter cold). Also, to achieve the greatest result, you can exploit the psychological factor, namely, conduct surveys, observations, and so on.
Having received the maximum economic effect as a result of the promotion of the proposed product, we can conclude that the goal of advertising has been achieved.
Having a little understanding of the intricacies of advertising, you can make several important conclusions:
- it improves the image of the company, as it helps to increase sales and this obliges the company to maintain high quality products;
- the company that received a good reward as a result of the advertising campaign will continue to invest in the promotion of its products, thereby constantly reminding itself as a manufacturer of quality goods;
- sometimes even in difficult economic or market conditions, it is the presence of advertising costs that brings income, therefore, even in difficult times for some companies, one should not forget about promotion without letting the consumer forget about themselves;
- it is necessary to constantly study market conditions in order to produce a product in demand;
- realizing the value of promotion, when planning the expenses of companies, it is absolutely necessary to include an article of expenses on advertising in the budget of the company, because it is no secret that sometimes it makes the company highly profitable and respected.